Face analysis

id3 Face SDK can analyse a wide range of facial attributes. For instance, it can evaluate the compliancy of a portrait to the ISO/IEC 19794-5 full frontal and the ICAO Portrait Quality Standards thanks to the following modules:




Estimated age of the subject.

Background uniformity

Estimated color and structure uniformity of the background in a portrait image. See also Face background removal.

Colorized image

Value indicating whether an image is colorized or grayscale.


Estimated facial expressions of a subject classified in six universal emotions: angriness, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and additionally neutral.

Eye gaze

Estimated gaze direction for both eyes. When the subject looks directly towards the camera, the return values equal 0.


Eye opening

Degree of opening of both eyes. The resulting scores are in the range 0 to 100.

Face attributes

Group of additional attributes, including:

  • Glasses

  • Hat

  • Make-up

  • Male (gender estimation)

  • Mouth opening

  • Smile

Face mask

Presence of a protective mask on the subject face.


Geometric attributes

Set of geometric characteristics of a portrait image.

  • Resolution: Checks if the image resolution is sufficient.

  • Vertical position: Checks the distance from the bottom edge of the image to the imaginary line passing through the center of the eyes is between 50% - 70% of the total vertical length of the image.

  • Horizontal position: Checks if the head is correctly centered horizontally.

  • Width of head: Checks if the image width is conform to the (image width / head width) ratio of 7:5. The head width is defined as the distance between the left and right ears.

  • Length of head: Checks if the distance between the base of the chin and the crown is less than 80% of the total height of the image.


Glasses attributes

Additional set of attributes related to glasses (if present). It includes:

  • Frame on eye

  • Heavy frame

  • Tinted glasses


Head pose

Estimation of the head pose. Yaw, pitch and roll angles are returned in degrees.



Estimated 68 landmark features



Quantity of noise in the image.


Presence of occlusions on the subject’s face (eyes, nose, mouth).

Photographic attributes

Photographic quality attributes such as brigthness, dynamic range, flash reflection, natural skin color, exposure, pixelation, sharpness.

Red eyes

Detect if a person’s eyes are red or not (due to flash mostly).

AI models

The face analyser requires machine learning models to be loaded into memory.

Model Name



Estimates the direction of gaze.


Detects the degree of eye opening.


Detects red-eye.


Estimates the subject’s age.


Detects facial attributes such as glasses, hat, make-up, mouth opening, smile and gender of the subject.


Estimates color and structure uniformity of the background.


Face expression classifier.


Extracts 68 landmark features.


Detects the presence of a protective mask on a subject’s face.


Detects occlusions on the subject’s face (eyes, nose, mouth)


Estimates the pose of the face (yaw pitch, roll).




Expression sensibility

The sensibility of the expression classifier.

Over-exposure sensibility

Sensibility of the over-exposure classifier.

Under-exposure sensibility

Sensibility of the under-exposure classifier.

Thread count

Number of threads to be used for face analysis.


# initialize the FaceAnalyser module
face_analyser = FaceAnalyser(
    thread_count = 4

# compute age
age = face_analyser.compute_age(image, face)
print(f"Age: {age}")

# compute landmarks
landmarks = face_analyser.compute_landmarks(image, face)

# compute eye-gaze
eye_gaze = face_analyser.compute_eye_gaze(image, face, landmarks)

# Release all resources allocated to the FaceAnalyser module.
del face_analyser

See also