Contactless fingerprints

id3 Finger SDK provides a contactless finger detection and matching component used to detect one or multiple fingerprints from a picture taken with a simple camera.

It takes as input a high resolution picture of 1, 2, 3 or 4 fingers (defined in the FingerPosition Enumeration), extract the image of each finger and compute the corresponding template.

A global matching score can then be computed between a contact-based and a contactless templates, or between two contactless templates, using the compareTemplateRecords() method of the FingerMatcher module.


The input image must follow some requirements for the system to operate properly :

  • The fingers must come from the bottom of the image

  • The image must be flipped, so that the order of the fingers is identical to a contact-based sensor

  • The flash must be used during the image capture process, and the focus correctly set, to ensure that the minutiae are clearly visible

  • The image must be at (approx.) 500 dpi. We recommand a Full HD resolution (1080p) to have enough details

  • The fingers indicated by the FingerPosition enumeration must be visible on the image (no more, no less)


  • The background does not have to be uniform but it might help the camera to focus on the fingers.

  • Fingers can be closed or slightly spread apart but should not overlap.

  • In case of injury on one or multiple fingers, you must select the FingerPosition enumeration accordingly and not show the finger(s) in the image.



Extracting a contactless template and matching against a reference

The example below demonstrates how to generate a FingerTemplateRecord from a contactless image and match it against a reference template.

# Imports
from id3finger import *

# Check if licence is valid

# Load models
FingerLibrary.load_model("finger_contactless_detector_v1a.id3nn", FingerModel.FINGER_CONTACTLESS_DETECTOR_1A, ProcessingUnit.CPU)
FingerLibrary.load_model("finger_minutia_detector_v3b.id3nn", FingerModel.FINGER_MINUTIA_DETECTOR_3B, ProcessingUnit.CPU)
FingerLibrary.load_model("finger_minutia_encoder_v1a.id3nn", FingerModel.FINGER_MINUTIA_ENCODER_1A, ProcessingUnit.CPU)

# Initialize models
finger_detector  = FingerDetector()
finger_extractor = FingerExtractor(thread_count=1)
finger_matcher   = FingerMatcher(multiscale_match=True)  # The multiscale parameter must be set to True when matching contactless templates

# Load reference template
reference_template_record = FingerTemplateRecord.from_file("./reference_template.bin")

# Load image
image = FingerImage.from_file("./img.jpg", PixelFormat.BGR_24_BITS)

# Flip the image horizontally to ensure that the template is in the right position to be compared to a contact-based acquired template
# This is necessary only if the two templates to match come from different sources (contact-based/contactless)
flip_horizontally = True
flip_vertically   = False
image.flip(flip_horizontally, flip_vertically)

# Set the finger position (Here we expect the index, middle, ring and little fingers from a left hand)
image.position = FingerPosition.PLAIN_LEFT_FOUR

# Detect fingers
detected_fingers = finger_detector.detect_contactless(image)

# Count the number of detected fingers (should match the number of expected fingers)
num_fingers = detected_fingers.get_count()
print("Number of detected fingers :", num_fingers)

# Extract template of all fingers
contactless_image_record = finger_detector.extract_fingers(image, detected_fingers)

# Create a template record from the contactless template
contactless_template_record = finger_extractor.create_template_record(contactless_image_record)

# Compute the global score between the captured template and the reference
trust_filled_position = False
global_score  = finger_matcher.compare_template_records(reference_template_record, contactless_template_record, trust_filled_position)
print("Global score :", global_score)

See also